
[เฉลย] Shall we date?: Magic Sword - Estel : Main Story Walkthrough

Happy Ending Route

Chapter 1
     • Yes.
     • You're still the same person.

Chapter 2
     • Speak your mind.
     • I think you're wonderful.

Chapter 3
     • Don't they dislike me?
     • You act like a different person around them.

Chapter 4
     • Sorry to worry you.
     • Let's stay out just a bit longer......

Chapter 5
     • Don't talk like that. It makes me sad......
     • Can't the law be changed?

Chapter 6
     • Yes, I'm sorry.
     • Stop Estel.

Chapter 7
     • That was embarrassing.
     • I can't cook.

Chapter 8
     • So, how do you feel about me?
     • As you wish.

Chapter 9
     • I think we will win.
     • Not now.

Chapter 10
     • Yes, thank you.
     • Nothing happened.

Chapter 11
       ...HAPPY ENDING...


Sweet Ending Route

Chapter 1
     • Yes.
     • You're still the same person.

Chapter 2
     • Leave him alone for now.
     • I think you're wonderful.

Chapter 3
     • Don't they dislike me?
     • Not at all!

Chapter 4
     • Sorry to worry you.
     • Let's stay out just a bit longer......

Chapter 5
     • But it does concern me.
     • Can't the law be changed?

Chapter 6
     • Yes, I'm sorry.
     • Stop Ethan.

Chapter 7
     • Were you offended?
     • I can cook a little.

Chapter 8
     • What a relief......
     • Later, when we're alone.

Chapter 9
     • I think we will win.
     • I have a plan.

Chapter 10
     • Yes, thank you.
     • We only talked.

Chapter 11
       ...SWEET ENDING...

****** ATTENTION PLEASE ******
 All Shall we date series walkthrough in this blog is belong to PAID Version not FREE Version so any question in free version may not get the answer.


  1. Which is better happy or sweet ending?

  2. Sweet Ending is more mature than Happy Ending ( 'mature' i mean 18+ scene. ) i love both of them and i can't decide which better than one.

    But If u ask me which i love the most, i love Sweet Ending more than Happy Ending 'cuz It's so sexy and erotic. ><

  3. First, I would like to thank you for creating such a wonderful and easy to follow walkthrough!

    Second, I have a note that may be helpful to the users playing the "free" or "+" version of this game:
    In order to get the "Sweet Ending" for Estel you need to follow your "sweet ending" walkthrough above, as well as use two "Alluring Perfume" bottles.

    So far I have only played Estel's route (and the beginning of Ray's when I'm stuck at a dragon checkpoint on Estel's), and I'm just about to the end. After answering the last choice for the 10th chapter as above, I noticed that my love meter still wasn't to the sweet ending, and in fact it was only about half way between the "one heart" normal ending and "two heart" sweet endings. This is likely because I'm playing the free version as opposed to the paid version. But for others playing the paid version, it's a very easy fix. Go to the Shop, click "Love Meter", and buy 20 "Alluring Perfume Coupons". You'll have to do this in two sets, because the free version of the game only allows you to buy 10 coupons at a time. Since one coupon costs 100 Gem, it will take you 2000 Gem in total to buy enough. Once you have the coupons, exchange them for 2 "Alluring Perfume" bottles (10 coupons = 1 bottle). After this, go to your "Item List" select the "Use" button next to the "Alluring Perfume". This acts as a love potion and will cause your love meter to go up immediately. It takes two bottles to get the Sweet Ending in addition to making the right choices (listed above in Otome iOS's walkthrough). As long as you use the two "Alluring Perfume" bottles before reaching Chapter 11, you should obtain the Sweet Ending you desire.

    Important: If you don't have enough Gems to get the two "Alluring Perfume" bottles, and you still want the sweet ending, make sure you don't go past Chapter 10. Just stop playing Estel for a couple days and switch to another story, while you save up the Gems you get by greeting and commenting to your friends, logging in daily, and doing training. Once you have enough to get the "Alluring Perfume" bottle love potions then buy the coupons, exchange them, change your story back to Estel, use the perfumes, and enjoy the sweet sexiness that is Estel's Sweet Ending.

    Side Note: Like I said, I've only played through Estel's route so far, so I'm not sure about how many "Alluring Perfume" bottles (if any) it will take to obtain the Sweet Ending for Ray and Ethan on the free version. Once I play through them though I'll be sure to let you know.

    Hope this helps,
    Allie (ID: KpEGri7KFk)

  4. Thx Allison Kremer for you note that really help everyone!
