
Attention please.

Sorry for everyone

13/10/2016 is the saddest day in the history of Thailand.
My King, Our King, The King of Thailand,
His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej has passed away.

This brings everyone to tears,
it's very sad for my country.

And now I'm in mourning for My King
so I will stop posting for 7 days (13/10/16 - 20/10/16)

Hope you understand.
Love you all.
Sorry and Thank you.


  1. I'm sorry to hear that your king has passed away I hope you, the people of Thailand, and the king's family will get through this sad and tough time take all the time you need to get through the sad day of your king's passing.

  2. Hi~ I am feeling better, still sad sometime... but life goes on so trying to get back to normal life, back to otome girl's life(again)! ^O^ Thank for your kindness, Love you!

  3. Are you feeling better? Is there anything I can do to help?

  4. It's okay I'm feeling better now. Thanks~ ^^

  5. Thanks for doing Tristan's walkthrough after what happened with your country's king, if you ever need someone to talk to give me a shout and I'll be there for you.

  6. Oh, it's really sweet of you, I'm glad to have known you, thank you with all my heart.

  7. Your welcome!~^^
    Hey have you noticed that Lancelot, Gawain, and Tristan's bonus pictures and rough drafts have a Japanese style and glasses in them?

  8. I'm so sorry for your country's loss :( I am glad to see that you are feeling better though!

    Some how deleted my last comment?

  9. @Yukino Honda - Yeah, I know it's pictures from Special Set and I post all of it now you can see on post 'Special CG'. ^^

    @Jenna Zie - Thanks you so much for your kindness, I'm glad to have your support too. oh I deleted it, don't worry ^^ THANKS!

  10. I'm glad you are doing better!^^
    Which character are you going to do?

  11. I'm on Galahad's route now and it's nearly to finish, please wait! ^^

  12. Um not trying to be rude or anything but are you also going to finish Pirates, Eternal Vows, and Maybe Arabian Dreams?

  13. Yes for Pirates, I'll finish it all but about Eternal and Arabian let me think again...

  14. Okay but please if you can please do them. Also thank you for doing Galahad's walkthrough, who are you going to do next?

  15. The chosen one is.....!!!! Mordred!!!!!!! LOL. I'm on Mordred's route now.

  16. Now that you finished Mordred's route now that means theirs only one route left, and that's Merlin's route! Also please consider finishing Arabian Dreams and Pirates.

  17. Yeah, yeah, after finish Merlin's route I'll do Pirates for sure! but about Arabian Dreams... let me think again... ^^
