
[CG] Shall we date?: Arabian Dreams - Sindbad : Main Story CG

All rights to NTT Solmare

Starlit Night ending

Moonlit Night Ending


  1. Thank you for doing Sinbad's walkthrough!! All that's left is to do Aladdin, Ifrit, Vafa, and Zia's walkthroughs!! And one called "Shall We Date? Pirates". And can you please post the walkthroughs as soon as possible can or sooner? Please?? Please, please, please!! You can post the rest of "Shall We Date? Arabian Dreams" and the same for "Shall We Date? Pirates" I just want to read there stories really badly!! So please hurry I'm bugging you! I'm leaving for a trip to the beach tomorrow and I want to read them on the way! So please post them before the end of the day today!!!!

  2. Look I don't know if you are reading my posts or not but know there's a new otome called “Shall We Date? Eternal Vows” and it has 6 characters and only have done 1 and that was 3 months ago and there are 22 characters in total of the ones you need to do, 10 for pirates, 4 for Arabian Dreams, and 8 for Eternal Vows, you are really, really, really, really, reallllly far behind in your updates and I get that you might be a little busy but can you please please hurry up and post those walkthroughs! I'm being you. And maybe you can or would do them as soon as summer vacation starts and post them on June 3, 2016 that would be awesome and cool because I don't trust anyone else but you when it comes to these otomies and I mean it I really do so please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please do them!!!
