Shall we date?: Castle Break : Walkthrough


  1. Are you also going to do Jordan? I would really appreciate it because I have been looking everywhere for a walkthrough for him and can't seem to find any. :( I have always loved your walkthroughs, they are always accurate! :) thanks for your help

  2. He's on the progress now. At first, he's on my first list to do but when Voltage update BMP2, I can't resist the love power of Princes!!! hahah so I'll play him soon, please wait. ^^

  3. Thank you! I totally understand, I love BMP and BMP2! They are amazing games. :)

  4. Can you do a walkthrough of the new shall we date game? The name of the game is called Demons' Bond and the character i would like you to do a walktgrough on is Shin. 💖❤️💛💚💙💜 Please?

  5. I playing now but it's a long story so It will take a long time, please wait ><

    PS. I'm at Kazuya's route now.

  6. Are you doing all the routes because if you are can you do Senkimaru's flashback ending

  7. It should be the ending before the sweet ending

  8. I plan to play all and Senkimaru is my next so I'll do it, sure, please wait. ^^

  9. Can you please do Astaroth's walk through when it comes out? And thank you for doing Senkimaru's walkthrough

  10. Yeah! sure! i plan to play him immediately when he's out! oh! thousand years of love, can't wait! ♥♥♥

  11. Please do a walkthrough on Astaroth ASAP!!! (Sorry I just really like him and want to get the ending I want)

  12. Ronove is out! When will you be doing him and Noah?

  13. Noah is finish!! and now i'm playing Ronove, please wait ^^

  14. hey i know this is gonna sound stupid but wtf is the difference between the new journey and true freedom endings
