
[เฉลย] Shall we date?: Angel or Devil - Ruvel : Main Story Walkthrough

Happy Ending Route

Chapter 1
     • ...turn my head away
     • Yes

Chapter 2
     • It's not a waste
     • Let's draw together

Chapter 3
     • I cut my finger
     • Leave him be

Chapter 4
     • Talk to Latis
     • Ask him to wait

Chapter 5
     • Pat his head
     • Thank you

Chapter 6
     • Wanna go together?
     • Okay, but no funny business

Chapter 7
     • I'm telling you it's similar!
     • I do

Chapter 8
     • Want to look for other things?
     • Explain you feelings

Chapter 9
     • Go with him
     • Kiss him

Chapter 10
     • To be with you
     • Okay, I won't worry

Chapter 11
       ...HAPPY ENDING...


Sweet Ending Route

Chapter 1
     • ...turn my head away
     • Yes

Chapter 2
     • It's not a waste
     • Let's draw together

Chapter 3
     • I cut my finger
     • Leave him be

Chapter 4
     • Chase after Ruvel
     • Ask him to wait

Chapter 5
     • Ask about my soul
     • I was scared

Chapter 6
     • Would you like to go?
     • Okay, but no funny business

Chapter 7
     • I'm telling you it's similar!
     • I do

Chapter 8
     • Want to look for other things?
     • Explain you feelings

Chapter 9
     • Protect Ruvel
     • Kiss him

Chapter 10
     • To finish my painting
     • Okay, I won't worry

Chapter 11
       ...SWEET ENDING...

****** ATTENTION PLEASE ******
 All Shall we date series walkthrough in this blog is belong to PAID Version not FREE Version so any question in free version may not get the answer.


  1. Which ending is the better one?

  2. Sweet Ending is more mature than Happy Ending.

  3. Which one do you get all the cgs?

  4. You have to finished both of ending to get all the CG

  5. I'm sorry but what are the cg??

  6. Thank you for the walkthrough! But do you have his messages? They sent me Latis' one lol

  7. CG = Computer Graphics

    @Bri - yeah, i have too~~ he so sweet~♡♡

  8. why is there a * before Explain your feelings?

  9. Wait so which one is the better one? What do u mean Mature?

  10. i mean 18+ scene, if u ask me, i love Sweet Ending more than Happy Ending 'cuz It's so sexy and erotic. ><

  11. Okay, so the sweet ending is the "super happy" ending according to thegame right? The one that fills the bar completely?

  12. In the game,for the ending, i found just "Normal Ending","Happy Ending","Sweet Ending". I never found "Super Happy". and I play paid version that haven't "+" on last ["Shall we date?: Angel or Devil" not "Shall we date?: Angel or Devil+"] so i don't know about "+" version but i think it's should be the same.

  13. How do you star over but with the same character ; A;

  14. When you playing game, you have to bookmark on the chapter of character that you want. In the game, Bookmark is Save

  15. @destiny if you're talking about the free angel or devil then yes,the sweet ending is the super happy ending

  16. How do we get the love meter up faster to get those endings rather than just the normal?

  17. Sorry, i don't know about free version.

  18. Thank you so much ^_^ I honestly love Ruvel,but I love Reiner more than Ruvel.Yeah,I'm creepy o.O

  19. can you make Ruvel spin off because i am all most done and i do not like Latis, or Diaval alot

  20. Sorry, i don't play free version so i don't know anything about the Spin-off.

  21. Hey guys I've been playing the same game and the way to up your love meter scale to The Super Happy ending the one with the double hearts is by collecting many soul points by greeting all your friends or playing Diaval's guide to style or something like that and going to the Item Shop and purchasing about 10 love potion coupons to exchange it for a Love Potion. Once taking that your meter should go up. Do that as many times as you want by following the same order and you should be hitting the bar before the completion of the game. I'm nearly done with Ruvel's route and have already finished filling the bar at chapter 9 let's see how it goes.

    You're welcome.


  22. @a ramos - WOWWWW~~ *0* Thx for the info! it's really great!

  23. @Kanra -chan They adde Reiner's story to the the game. <3
    Otome iOS, how do I make a bookmark? I can't find an option to it.

  24. I am wondering the same thing, how do you make a bookmark? :S

  25. On paid version, the bookmark on the bottom of screen but if you play online version, i don't know about that. Sorry :(

    you can see the pic of screen on this link

  26. Out of all the characters which one is best?

  27. The difference between the “Shall We Date? Angel or Devil and the + version are just two different type of apps.

    One has a game style where you have to collect clothing and accessories as well as special objects to get the better endings of the story you chose.

    While the other app is just a visual novel that once you purchase the story, you can read it as many times as you wish, trying to get the different endings.
